Sukkot Celebration in Temple Aaron's Sukkah

Sukkot Celebration in Temple Aaron's Sukkah

Oct 18-19, 2024


This event is free to attend, but we ask that you register here so we know how many to expect. You are welcome to come to Friday eve, Saturday morning/lunch, or both.

If you can, please bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share. Please make a donation of any amount HERE


**If you would like to help build the sukkah, please meet AC and Rabbi Joe at Temple Aaron in the side yard Wed, Thurs, or Fri afternoon, Sept 18, 19 or 20, from 4 to 6 pm. We'll finish the roof after Yom Kippur.** 

Please email AC at with questions or to let him know when you’ll be coming to help.




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